- Eradicated petrol and diesel cars from their company car fleet; increasing full Electric Vehicles (EVs) from 13 in 2021 to 413 in 2024
- ‘Go Electric’ salary sacrifice scheme enable employees to purchase an EV to replace their existing fossil fuelled car
- Target for all new commercial vehicles to be EV by 2030
- Open Space camera technology enables remote site surveys, and remote meetings are encouraged as standard

Robertson Group, headquartered in Stirling, is one of the largest family-owned construction, infrastructure and support service businesses in the UK. They have a goal to be climate positive by 2030. The business met that target in 2020 and have continued to be climate positive since, with their dynamic approach to sustainable transport contributing to this achievement.
Robertson Group have one of the largest fleet of Electric Vehicle (EV) company cars in the UK. Since 2021, petrol and diesel cars have been removed as options to their company fleet, meaning only cars under 75g/km CO2e may be ordered. In 2023, they implemented a salary sacrifice scheme, “Robertson Go Electric”, giving employees an effective, tax efficient way to switch from petrol/diesel vehicles to EV (or Plug-In Hybrid EV(PHEV) under 75g/km). This is available to any employees not entitled to a company car, company car users looking for a second car, and those taking a cash allowance in lieu of a company car.
The business has a Net Zero Toolkit and a plan on how to get to each office or site using the most sustainable mode of transport. Their Travel Policy encourages employees to consider whether any journey is essential and the use of alternatives such as phone or video conferencing. Open Space camera technology enables remote site surveys to be undertaken, reducing transport further. The carbon emissions of all travel are measured and monitored, and their travel booking portal shows the carbon impact of any chosen method of travel against the other options available.
Engagement with Robertson employees has been key to building the business’ EV fleet. They invite feedback directly from the vehicle users into their Fleet Department, with learnings included in regular newsletters that are circulated to all company vehicle users. The newsletter includes hints and tips to enable staff to get more from their EV and success stories. The Go Electric salary sacrifice scheme was publicised through email newsletters to the whole workforce, as well as via intranet information pages and a webinar. They have also worked to win support for EVs from their drivers and their supervisors to help change their perceptions of EVs by offering short-term EV rentals to them. In wider engagement, they took part in the EV rally of Scotland, to prove that EVs can be practical in industry and also promote sustainable transport with their supply chain through the ‘Sustainabuild’ network.
The business has achieved significant uptake in EVs, both through the company lease car scheme and the Go Electric scheme. The number of full EV company cars has grown from 13 in 2021 to 413 in 2024, with the fleet now comprising of almost 80% full EV and 20% hybrid, which has achieved an emissions reduction of 465 tonnes CO2 per annum. The Go Electric scheme has moved 218 cars (26.91% of drivers), to newer EV or PHEV options reducing 683 tonnes CO2 per annum.
Robertson Group have adopted a “Whole of Life” (WOL) cost model for vehicles as part of their decision making. Whilst EVs and hybrids cost more to lease than petrol or diesel equivalents, they have lower running, servicing and fuelling costs. Adopting this model means that their sustainable transport model is virtually cost neutral. Whilst there is no direct economic benefit to the business, it does demonstrate their commitment to tackle scope 3 emissions and go beyond what is necessary.
The business expects further reductions in their transport emissions to be achieved in the future through further commercial EV orders. They have undertaken EV van trials to determine what is possible in practice, tested EV charge cards, and implemented a mandatory policy that every new commercial vehicle order must consider viable EV options before any ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicle is procured.