- ISO14001 accredited since 1998
- ISO14064 verified Carbon Footprint
- £1.1m recovered through recycling
- Carbon Management and Reduction Plan implemented
- Invested £287,815 in energy efficiency measures over the past three years
- Associated energy savings of £500,000 over the last three years
- Electricity reduced by 500MW per year (26%), and gas by 29% while productivity has remained reasonably static
- Set target to achieve 20% cut in Carbon/m of cable by 2015 to 0.035kgCO2e/m
- Approximately £750, 000 of new business secured due to carbon neutral status and green credentials

Brand-Rex Ltd is a leading global supplier of data networking solutions for IT networks. At their site in Glenrothes, Brand-Rex primarily manufactures copper cables and fibre optical cables. They employ 182 staff at this site.
The VIBES Energy Award recognises businesses that contribute to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Scotland. This category is aimed at businesses that have significantly reduced energy consumption within their own organisation or through providing a service, developing an energy saving product or through working in partnership with others. The VIBES Judges felt that Brand-Rex is an excellent example of effective energy management in a large company.
Brand-Rex have achieved carbon neutral status, in accordance to PAS 2060 (a carbon neutrality standard launched by the British Standards Institute) through a committed programme of energy efficiency improvements and ethical carbon offsetting projects. They are the only carbon neutral company in their sector in the UK. Brand-Rex have a Carbon Management and Reduction Plan which they developed in 2011 (2010-2015) in partnership with Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation. Their carbon footprint is reviewed annually and all relevant documents are available on their website. The company engage in a number of Carbon Offset projects which are chosen carefully in developing countries where the company has an environmental impact, and where, without investment, projects would be financially unviable.
The Judges were impressed by Brand-Rex’s commitment to their Carbon Management Plan, primarily through their approach to energy reduction. The company invested a total of £287,815 in energy efficiency measures between 2009 and 2012, with associated savings of over £500,000 in the same time period. They estimate that at least £750,000 of new business has been secured due to their carbon neutral status and green credentials. Some financial savings have been re-invested to both improve working conditions and reduce energy use further.
The energy reduction measures which they have introduced have significantly impacted on the environmental impact of the business including: a 22% reduction in Green House Gas Emissions (2012) compared to their 2009 baseline; a 26% reduction in electricity use and a 29% reduction in gas use all of which have been achieved, while productivity has remained reasonably static. In addition to this their ambitious 2015 target to achieve a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions/m of cable has almost been achieved (0.036kg CO2/m versus a target of 0.035kg CO2/m). The Company has an aspiration to reach the 42% Green House Gas reduction target set by the Scottish Government.
Brand-Rex has also looked at reducing transport emissions by bringing business back to the UK – also creating new jobs – and reconfiguring pallet design to increase product per load. The impact of material processing on energy use is now an integral part of their business planning when considering new materials for trial.
The VIBES Judges felt that Brand-Rex is clearly committed to their energy reduction targets which is demonstrated through their robust monitoring system which puts in place targets, for energy use and cost/km of cable produced/week. Weekly monitoring figures are reported to management and the operations team. In addition to this the company has a proven track record of excellent in sharing best practice. The improvements made at their Glenrothes site have been introduced to their site in Leigh and they regularly host client visits to showcase their environmental achievements. They are also currently delivering a number of seminars worldwide focusing on “future speeds, green needs”.
Brand-Rex is clearly a company committed to managing their energy usage and becoming carbon neutral.
Martin Hanchard, CEO, Brand-Rex said: “It is an incredible honour to win our second VIBES Award, this time in the Energy category. This is testament to the Brand-Rex team’s commitment to reducing our impact on the environment. We now aim to build on this achievement by further expanding our long term sustainability strategy.”