22 January 2014
A celebration event took place on Thursday the 16th of January at the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI) to celebrate the outstanding environmental business achievements of those involved in the VIBES Awards. The event had a Burns theme in nod to the upcoming Burns Night and the following poem was created by Gillian Bruce, VIBES Chair especially for the evening…
“Aw fair folks o Tweed and Leven too
Brought tagither at this braw do
To celebrate aw that be a VIBES winner
Whilst tucking into yer haggis dinner
VIBES rewards aw who’s waste be less
That help rid the country o the mess
Aw who’s processes are sae lean
Businesses proved to be maist green
Gid fae the environment and gid fae profit
Demonstrated from business frae Elgin to Moffat
We think your actions are just grand
The best environmental practice in the land
Now I ken you want to get on wi yer dinner
But first let me mention who’s a winner
Each yin cares for the environment with aw their micht
Cause they like to save pennies shinning bricht
First award, Albert Bartlett and Sons
Who’s waste came doon by many tons
An for recycling you couldna ask for mare
Than what’s been achieved by those at Vegware
Transport was reduced by Muller Wiseman laddies
An also by those employed by Rabbies
Waterless conveyors used by Drylube
Ensured nae waste went doon the tube
Dryden Aqua filtration was just braw
Changing behaviour at Whitmuir the best the judges saw
Energy winners were Brandrex and Grange Doors
Both kent how to manage their electric stores
Up North the winner was Biomatrix Water
A wee company showing size doesnae matter
When trying to get an award wi glass as bricht
It’s gist about getting gid practice richt
So folks can you now raise yer glasses
To all VIBES winners, lads and lassies”
This year Burns Night takes place on Saturday the 25th January.