10 June 2016

It has been estimated that 16 million tonnes of food are wasted every year in the UK.  Avoidable food waste costs Scotland over £1 billion. Here are a few  tips on what you can do to reduce your food waste.


  1. Have compost bins in your kitchen at home and in the office.
  2. Plan you meals for the week.
  3. Use your leftovers as your lunch for the next day.
  4. Suggest a space in the fridge for food exchanges (bought too much of something, and it is coming close to its date, a colleague may be interested)
  5. Tips to use left-over food can be found here http://scotland.lovefoodhatewaste.com/, website championed by our partner Zero Waste Scotland

Food and Drink Business or retailer:

  1. Review your processes and see if you can improve its efficiency
  2. Find new solutions to reduce your waste, maybe by composting (an interesting source of information : http://www.foodwastenetwork.org.uk/ an initiative created by our 2010 & 2013 winners Vegware)
  3. Find an innovative way to change your waste into a resource. (See 2014 Winner Peel Tech)
  4. Donate Food coming to its expiry date to food banks

Are you part of a team promoting green initiatives in your office? Have you made changes in your management to reduce your waste and be more efficient? Then have a look at our VIBES awards 2016 categories.

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