14 October 2016
NetRegs has now launched its new website, redesigned to make access to information easier and quicker than before.
Our new website is also designed to work well for users who access it using tablets and smart phones, a trend that has grown over the past few years.
Topic pages now contain links to other resources that are relevant, such as good practice videos and our e-learning tools.
You can also use our Self-Assessment Tool to check your environmental compliance, this will generate a report that is for your eyes only.
New Guidance
We have updated our guidance on Environmental Management Systems and we are preparing a topic on what businesses of any size, or from any sector, can do to help create a circular economy and gain economic benefits in the process.
The Mobile App
Our new NetRegs mobile App has now been launched; initially this is intended for those working in the Construction, Agriculture and Forestry sectors. It will eventually cover all the business sectors that we deal with on our website.
The App delivers tailored checklists covering all potential impacts that a business might have. The checklists will deliver “Points of Action” and can be completed on a smart phone by a staff member who is out of the office. The results can be emailed to a manager or back to a desktop for further consideration. The app is free to download and is available for Apple or Android systems.
Other features of the website
We have seven e-learning tools which provide an overview of topics such as Duty of Care for Waste, WEEE, Sinks, Drains and Sewers, Generating Renewable Energy and Achieving Environmental Excellence . These e-learning tools are free to use and can help raise awareness among staff.
There are now 30 good practice videos on You Tube which highlight the achievements of businesses that have improved their bottom line by going beyond compliance. These videos include previous winners and finalists from the VIBES and Sustainable Ireland Awards.