Amey is one of the UK’s leading public service providers, employing around 11,000 people across 200 locations.

Brand-Rex is a leading global supplier of structured cabling systems for data networks. At their headquarters in Glenrothes, Brand-Rex primarily manufactures copper and fibre optic cables.

Calder Cabs is a micro-business providing taxis and private car and minibus hire in West Lothian. As the only taxi business in West Lothian using alternative vehicles.

City Building was established in 2006 and is now one of the largest construction companies in Scotland. It receives no public funding but has delivered more than £28 million over the last five years to Glasgow City Council for investment in front-line services.

CMS Enviro Systems is a manufacturer and installer of PVCu windows, doors and curtain-walling. They have been at the forefront of environmental innovation within the window industry since 2006.

FIS Chemicals Ltd is a small chemical company located in rural Aberdeen. It designs, formulates, manufactures and supplies specialised cleaning and maintenance chemicals for use worldwide.

Freshlink Foods is a frozen food manufacturer based in the east-end of Glasgow. Customers include multiple retailers (e.g. Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s) and catering facilities

The Glenuig Inn is a rural inn in the Sound of Arisaig on the West Coast of Scotland. It has been renovated and transformed to become Scotland’s exemplar green inn.

Keenan Recycling, based in New Deer, Turriff, is one of Scotland’s leading organic recycling companies. It has grown from a bark-shredding business to operating the joint largest in-vessel compost unit in the world (the other is in Canada).

M.Bruce and Partners Ltd currently run 1200 acres of grass, crop and forestry ground at Ellon, Aberdeenshire. The Logie Estate is home to both pedigree and organic herds of Aberdeen Angus.

Rabbie’s Trail Burners is a small group tour company that operates guided tours all over Scotland, northern England and Ireland in luxury, fuel-efficient, 16-seater mini-coaches.

Robert Wiseman Dairies procures, processes and delivers liquid milk throughout Great Britain. The East Kilbride site has responsibility for the processing and production of the group’s speciality products, including flavoured milks.